Men are able to produce not only seminal fluid during sex, but also a special lubricant that facilitates the sliding of the penis during friction. When aroused in men, this substance is called pre-ejaculate.

During arousal, men secrete colorless, transparent mucus called pre-ejaculate. It forms along with an erection, but can also appear after it. If there is no lubrication during arousal in men, then this is a symptom of some pathology related to the reproductive system. The release of this fluid prevents injury to the male genital organ during vaginal penetration.
In medicine, lubrication in men during arousal is called temporary. This substance is formed not only before sexual intercourse, but also during slight sexual arousal, during petting, and also during masturbation. The appearance of lubrication in men during arousal indicates a desire to have intimate intimacy with their partner.
Composition of pre-semen
Pre-ejaculate is a mucous secretion that contains various enzymes and alkali. Since the environment of the female vagina is acidic and rejects male semen, lubricant neutralizes the aggressiveness of such female microflora.
There is a myth that says that discharge from a man’s genital organ can make a woman pregnant. The fact is that the lubricant does not contain sperm, but it can be there if sexual intercourse occurred without contraception, within several hours after masturbation or after previous sexual intercourse. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, experts recommend using condoms or other forms of contraception.
Main functions
Lubricant is secreted in men during arousal; it is not only a clear lubricating fluid, but also a protective reaction of the mucous membrane. Such secretions facilitate the penetration of the male sexual organ into the female vagina and frictions, if a representative of the fair sex has secreted a small amount of such a substance. The secretion of lubrication in men during arousal has several very important functions, which are as follows:
- Neutralization of increased acidity of vaginal microflora.
- Facilitating penetration of the penis, helping the movement of sperm along the cervix.
- Increased chance of conception.
- Removing the contents of the urinary canal.
In an acidic environment, sperm die quite quickly. Thanks to the alkaline pre-semen, they enter the reproductive tract undamaged and can fertilize the egg. This is why male lubricant has the ability to protect sperm viability.
In addition, thanks to this male discharge from the urethra, the chance of conception increases, since the seminal fluid penetrates into the uterus much faster during sliding. Natural lubricant helps avoid the use of artificial substitutes, and also facilitates penetration of the penis into the vagina if a woman has a small amount of her own secretions.
What does normal look like?
So, the question of whether a man secretes lubricant during arousal has been resolved. But what does she look like? Externally, this liquid looks like simple transparent mucus. During sexual intercourse, it is released in amounts from 1 to 5 ml. This volume is quite enough to make sexual contact comfortable for partners. This seed contains smegma, which is a fatty substance that collects in the folds of the foreskin. If a man is faithful to only one sexual partner or uses a condom during sexual intercourse, then there are no color changes or additional inclusions in the composition of the liquid. Only a light whitish tint is possible.
When to see a doctor?
Many women still do not know whether men have lubrication when aroused. Some people simply didn't pay attention to it. However, it is a fact that this liquid is extremely important during sexual intercourse.
If any suspicious symptom appears, a man should immediately consult a doctor. Thanks to this, it will be possible to identify the disease at an early stage of its development, and therefore a speedy recovery will follow. That’s why it’s so important to pay attention to the composition and shade of your pre-seed. Additional symptoms that help identify the diagnosis include the following:
- Increased body temperature, fever, heat.
- A feeling of pain or discomfort in the area of the organs located in the pelvis.
- Redness of the skin, swelling and rashes.
- Bloody purulent impurities in male discharge.
- Burning and itching in the urethra.
- Hyperemia in the penile area.
- Erectile dysfunction, urinary retention.
Similar pathological processes in the male body during arousal and during rest are observed in the case of infection with sexually transmitted diseases. If several or even one symptom is detected, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is likely that the man will need urgent antibacterial therapy.
No pre-ejaculate released
If a man has a lot of lubrication when excited, then this can be called a feature of his body. However, in some cases, representatives of the stronger sex do not notice the release of fluid during sexual intercourse, since it begins to be released only after the penis penetrates the vagina.
In 5% of cases, the lack of lubrication is a symptom of the presence of some kind of inflammatory disease. In such a situation, it is best to consult a specialist about this problem. You should also pay attention to the fact that in older people, discharge from the urethra may be completely absent.
Change in consistency and color
It was said above that if a lot of lubricant is released during arousal in men, this is the norm, but if there is too much of it, then this should alert you. However, changes in color and consistency are considered a reason to consult a doctor. Normally, the color of seminal fluid is transparent, slightly whitish. You should also pay attention to the density of these secretions. The seminal fluid should not be thick and should flow freely from the urinary canal during sexual arousal. Reasons to contact a specialist include the following:
- Formation of an unpleasant fishy odor, which contains the aroma of mold.
- Impurities of pus and blood.
- Changes in the structure of seminal fluid, formation of a cheesy sediment, thickening.
- Change of shade.
Red, gray, orange, green and other shades are a sign of an infectious or inflammatory process in the body. The male body reacts in this way to any viral or bacterial invasion of it. In some cases, colored discharge is a sign of the natural rehabilitation process. For example, after surgery on the prostate gland, after antibiotic therapy or any other surgical interventions.
Transparent viscous discharge in some cases indicates infection with infectious diseases, for example, streptococcus, staphylococcus, and E. coli. However, the appearance of bacteria will be observed not only in the pre-seminal fluid, but also in other secretions from the male organ.
Doctors' opinion
The gray-green tint of the liquid indicates the presence of infection in the male body. However, this symptom is not always a sign of sexually transmitted diseases; ARVI or influenza can manifest themselves this way. In parallel with this, the man’s body temperature rises.
White thick discharge indicates the development of a fungal disease, most often with candidiasis. This disease is transmitted to a man from an infected sexual partner. When this pathogen is detected, it is necessary to treat both the woman and the man.
If the liquid is red, then this indicates the development of a urological disease, for example, cystitis, urethritis, but it can also be a symptom of chronic prostatitis and a number of other ailments that are not associated with the urinary system.
Is it possible to get pregnant from a man's lubricant?
"Is it possible to get pregnant from a man’s lubricant" is a question that worries even experienced women. This is especially true for partners who engage in coitus interruptus. Such fears are not unfounded. Indeed, male lubricant (pre-ejaculate) also contains a small amount of sperm.
In the article we will figure out whether it is possible to get pregnant from lubricant and a man’s secretions. And also, what is the risk of contraception through interrupted intercourse and petting without penetration. What methods of contraception will help protect against such problems?
What is male lubricant?
To prevent sexual intercourse from causing discomfort, natural lubrication comes to the rescue. A woman’s cervical mucosa secretes a transparent "secret" when she is excited. In men, this function is performed by the bulbourethral glands. Pre-ejaculate can also contain a small amount of sperm (after emission or masturbation). Functions of male lubricant: moisturizing the mucous membrane of the penis before insertion into the vagina; neutralizing the effect of urine residues in the urethra (the acidic environment destroys sperm and prevents conception). Thus, the answer to the dilemma "can you get pregnant from lubrication, discharge or mucus" depends on the type of contraception.
Types of male discharge
A man's natural discharge is mucus or liquid of various colors emerging from the urethra. It can be:
- urine;
- smegma;
- prostate secretion;
- ejaculate (sperm);
- urethrorrhea (pre-ejaculate);
- wet dream;
- prostatorrhea.
Different numbers of sperm replace the pre-ejaculate and, accordingly, the ejaculate. A small amount of seminal fluid from a previous ejaculation is sometimes retained in the lubricant.
Can a girl get pregnant from a guy's lubricant?
A common mistake is that pregnancy occurs only when sperm penetrates the vagina. Pre-seminal secretions contain a small number of sperm, and during ovulation one is enough. This is an additional chance for couples who are unsuccessfully trying to have a baby. The chances are especially high at the beginning of the cycle, before menstruation.
Even a small percentage of the possibility of getting pregnant from lubricant should be taken into account when choosing a method of birth control. Can a girl get pregnant from a man’s lubricant – yes, but the chances are slim. Moreover, some guys have no sperm at all in their pre-cum. But this feature of the body is confirmed only by special laboratory studies.
With penetration
Girls who use coitus interruptus as a method of contraception have the greatest chance of getting pregnant from a guy's lubricant. Even with an experienced and attentive partner, male lubricant entering the vagina increases the risk of unwanted pregnancy after unprotected sex.
Without penetration through clothing?
The second question that worries girls is whether it is possible to get pregnant from lubricant without penetration. A similar risk also exists, especially when petting. If there is some "lube" left on a man's fingers after masturbation, there may be viable sperm in it. But this is unlikely, since the remaining semen in pre-ejaculate is often non-viable.
Can a virgin get pregnant?
This is quite possible, and we are not talking about the virgin birth. This situation is due to two conditions:
- individual features of the structure of the hymen;
- viability and speed of sperm;
- Is the girl ovulating at this time?
Even naked petting can unexpectedly lead to pregnancy. This happens if male lubricant ends up on the girl’s genitals. Sperm can enter the vagina and conception will occur. The risk is higher if the hymen is particularly elastic or damaged (trauma, equestrian sport). Sometimes this is enough to connect the egg and sperm. Medical statistics prove that a woman in labor with an intact hymen is not uncommon.
Statistics and research data
The likelihood of men getting pregnant from lubricant is confirmed by medical studies. According to statistics, with interrupted sexual intercourse, the risk of unexpected pregnancy is up to 75%. By comparison, protection with a condom reduces this probability to 96%. That is, in every fifth couple using abortion, the woman became pregnant. The same results are obtained during petting if male lubricant gets on her genitals. The following factors matter:
- How regular is the menstrual cycle?
- does the woman keep track of her calendar (when are the most dangerous days).
Medical statistics even report cases where conception from lubrication occurred the day after menstruation.
Main causes and predisposing factors of pregnancy
For pregnancy to occur, 2 fundamental conditions are needed:
- woman's ovulation;
- motile, viable sperm of a man.
This is what makes the likelihood of conception from male lubricant low. For the most successful outcome, sperm flow is desirable. There are few of them in pre-ejaculate and they are rather sluggish. The likelihood of pregnancy increases if there were several sexual acts at once, between which the man did not shower.
How to reduce the chances of conceiving from your partner's pre-seminal fluid to zero
The risk of unwanted pregnancy from lubricant is reduced to a minimum if:
- do not engage in coitus interruptus;
- before petting, the man takes a shower;
- mandatory hygiene procedures are carried out between repeated sexual acts;
- both partners take a shower, the man should pay special attention to the penis;
- then the man empties the bladder so that the acidic environment neutralizes the remaining seminal fluid in the canal;
- If you have several acts after the first, you should only have sex with a condom.
Using reliable forms of contraception is important not only on fertile days.
Types of contraception: choosing the best option
The comparison table will help you choose the most reliable method of protection:
Method of protection | Reliability level, % |
Condom | up to 96 |
Male sterilization | 99. 9 |
Intrauterine hormonal methods | up to 97 |
Oral contraceptives | up to 98 |
Hormone injections | up to 97 |
Diaphragm | up to 95 |
Intrauterine device | up to 95 |
Basal temperature measurement | up to 70 |
Calendar method | up to 70 |
Interruption of sexual intercourse | up to 60 |
Douching after sex | up to 15 |
The couple selects a suitable method individually. It is important to take into account the health status and habits of your partners.
Reviews and opinions of doctors
Women's forums are actively discussing whether it is possible to get pregnant from male lubricant. Reviews from obstetricians and gynecologists confirm that interruption of sexual intercourse is the cause of many unplanned conceptions with high fertility partners.
Ultrasound doctor, gynecologist, work experience 8 years. Professional skills: Conducting ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, kidneys and retroperitoneal space, bladder, thyroid gland, mammary glands, pelvic organs, prostate gland, ultrasound of the first trimester (determination of pregnancy). Consultation of patients, minor surgical operations, prescription of treatment regimens (STIs and pelvic inflammatory diseases), taking smears, scrapings, gynecological examinations.
Why is there discharge from the penis and itching in a man, boy, boy, child?
Discharge from the urethra, itching, and redness may indicate various pathological conditions and diseases. During consultations, we often hear questions: "Why is my penis dripping so much? Why does blood, urine, sperm come out of the penis? Why is there discharge from the penis of men and severe itching? Let's take a closer look at the tactics and strategy in such a situation.
A man or guy sometimes faces a paradoxical situation. He wakes up in the morning and sees that some kind of liquid is secreted from the penis - white, transparent, or mucous, purulent, yellow, green, yellow-green. And sometimes blood, mucus, pus, and sperm are released. And it itches a lot. Itching is a very unpleasant symptom. And everything itches on the head of the penis, on the penis itself, in the area of the urethra, urethra, at the end of the penis. And there is noticeable redness, or maybe severe irritation, and sometimes severe redness, inflammation, an inflammatory reaction. Terrible symptoms, discomfort. In any case, we do not recommend leaving everything to chance.
Sometimes in life there are situations in which, a few days after the problem occurs, the discharge will become less. But the problem is that the acute form of the disease can turn into subacute or chronic. The man calms down. And after some time, serious complications develop, which take much longer and are more difficult to treat. What complications? Impotence, male infertility, organ curvature, deterioration of sperm count.
Physiological libidinal urethrorrhea
Physiological libidinal urethrorrhea. Difficult term. FLU is associated with the occurrence of arousal in a man and occurs due to discharge from the urethral glands. These lubricant secretions contain sperm, so when a penis is inserted into the vagina, a woman can easily become pregnant with a boy or a girl. But the problem is that transparent mucous discharge (clear liquid) more often appears with pathology of the genitourinary system.
Ejaculate, sperm
Ejaculate. Ejaculate consists of sperm, prostatic fluid, and the secretion of the seminal vesicles. Sperm can be released during wet dreams, orgasm, sexual intercourse, and masturbation. The contents of the prostate glands, Littre glands, Cooper glands, seminal vesicles, sperm can end up on the head of the penis. A wet dream is the release of ejaculate in the absence of regular sexual activity. Usually found in young adolescents aged 14 to 18 years and in men during periods of prolonged abstinence.
Smegma is a physiological secretion from glands located on the foreskin and head of the penis. The appearance may be white and cheesy. Smegma must be removed by taking a shower 2 times a day. In recent years, many scientific studies have been carried out proving that the entry of smegma into a woman’s cervical area can lead to uterine cancer, which, you see, is very bad. Men who lack glans hygiene may develop penile cancer.
Pathological discharge in men and boys
Pathological discharge is varied and can often resemble physiological discharge in appearance, which requires an examination by a doctor to draw up an examination and treatment plan. So, what causes pathological discharge from the penis? More often this is inflammation, inflammatory reactions that can be caused by pathogens of sexually transmitted infections and opportunistic microflora. But, unfortunately, the cause of discharge can be tumors, oncology, oncological diseases, cancer. We must not forget that discharge may appear after operations on the genitourinary system, injuries to the genitals and pelvic organs.
Classification of discharge from the penis: types, forms
Let's look at the classification of urethral discharge in men:
Discharge color:
- white, whitish,
- yellow, yellowish
- green, greenish,
- red, bloody, reddish, bloody, bloody
- yellow-green, green-yellow
- colorless.
- transparent,
- cloudy,
- translucent.
- liquid,
- medium consistency,
- thick, viscous.
The volume of discharge can vary - from a small drop to several milliliters. By volume of allocations:
- abundant, large
- moderate,
- scanty, small
- a drop.
Appearance time:
- morning, in the morning, towards the morning,
- daytime, during the day,
- evening, in the evenings,
- nocturnal, at night,
- when urinating,
- during breaks between urination.
Frequency of appearance:
- periodic,
- permanent,
- associated with hypothermia,
- associated with sexual intercourse
- associated with the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
- associated with the consumption of spicy foods and spices.
Connection with the time of year:
- spring,
- summer,
- autumn,
- winter.
Discharge in each specific case in different men can greatly depend on the immunity, virulence of the pathogen, the severity or chronicity of the process, the type of pathogen, the severity of the inflammatory reaction, concomitant diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus complicates the process). Very often, with the same disease, different types of discharge can be observed, plus with different diseases there can be similar discharge. Only accurate diagnostics can determine the type of pathogen (PCR - DNA diagnostics, RNA-NASBA test for RNA).
Sexually transmitted infections, sexually transmitted diseases, sexually transmitted infections
What are these infections? Trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis), chlamydia, candidiasis (thrush, candidal balanitis, posthitis, balanoposthitis), gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, genital herpes (HSV1, HSV2), gardnerellosis (Gardnerella vaginalis), papillomavirus infections of the genital organs, cytomegaly, urogenital shigellosis homo sexualists, genital molluscum contagiosum, lice pubis, giardiasis, amebiasis, HIV infection (AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), hepatitis B, C, D. With them, various discharges can be observed, and acute prostatitis, urethritis, balanitis, posthitis, balanoposthitis may develop.
Due to this, many sexually transmitted infections can be asymptomatic; be sure to use condoms during sexual intercourse. Remember that the absence of discharge after sex does not mean that you have not become infected with anything.
With chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, and ureaplasmosis, mucous discharge from the penis is often observed. More often they are viscous and transparent. The content of leukocytes (lc) in such a liquid is correspondingly small.
In the acute period, with chlamydia, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, translucent mucopurulent discharge of white, whitish color of medium consistency can be observed. Such discharge contains a lot of leukocytes, urethral force, and inflammatory exudate. If the discharge is not washed off, then a sticking or clumping of discharge will form on the head of the penis.
With gonorrhea, purulent discharge is often observed, which has a yellow, yellow-green, green-yellow color, is very viscous, viscous and thick in consistency. Such fluid contains a huge number of leukocytes, inflammatory exudate, urethral mucus and urethral epithelium. Associated symptoms are itching, pain and pain when urinating.
In these cases, you should not self-medicate and let the disease take its course. Sexually transmitted diseases cause a variety of pathologies and can also cause rectal dysfunction, urinary problems and a weakened immune system.